Monday, August 30, 2021

Multimedia Presentations

This semester, you (and possibly a partner) will be responsible for a 10-minute multimedia presentation on a money topic:


  • The presentation must be no more than 10 minutes in length
  • There should be 10-12 slides (including mandatory introduction and conclusion slides) and should contain least one video or audio clip—absolutely no more than 1.5 minutes in length
  • A Works Cited slide in MLA Style 
  • On the day of your presentation, email your presentation (or a link) to me at
  • You may utilize any presentation program you like (PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, etc.)
  • It is highly recommended that you present from a downloaded version of your presentation
  • Presentations without an introduction and/or conclusion cannot score higher than a C
  1. Françoise Bettencourt Meyers: The Wealthiest Woman on the Planet
  2. Six Habits Rich People Share
  3. Gamestop, Reddit, and the Taking Down of Wall Street Giants
  4. Santa Clara Valley's Old Money: Sarah Winchester
  5. Why Do American Corporations Pay So Little Tax?
  6. Buying and Selling Stocks: A How-To
  7. The Fat Tax: The Hidden Costs of Being Obese
  8. "Billions and Billions of Dollars": How Much is Donald Trump Really Worth?
  9. Man vs. Woman: How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances
  10. Why You Should Start Saving for Retirement Yesterday
  11. Appalachia: Life for the Poorest Whites in America
  12. What Americans Spend on Christmas
  13. Tightening Your Belt: How to Successfully Live on a Budget
  14. Santa Clara Valley's Old Money: Leland Stanford
  15. What $1 Million Buys in Silicon Valley Real Estate
  16. The Psychology of Supermarkets
  17. Life in the Poorest Countries in the World
  18. Cryptocurrency 101
  19. Tough Going: What Life on Welfare is Really Like
  20. What Goes Where: How a Tax Dollar is Divided
  21. The Ship of Dreams: The Luxuries of Titanic
  22. The Cost of Living: Seattle, Salt Lake City, and Boston
  23. How It Works: Personal Credit
  24. The Richest and Poorest Zip Codes in the United States
  25. Understanding the Gig Economy
  26. The Pink Tax: The Hidden Costs of Being a Woman
  27. Makers vs Takers: Red and Blue States by the Numbers
  28. What Americans Spend on Their Pets
  29. Error Code 0: How Music Streaming Services Hurt Your Favorite Artists
  30. Up in Smoke: Why Legalized Pot in California is a Bust

Choose partners and topics via Google Docs here: 

Due: Thu 9.9 (by midnight)

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